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USPTO Grants Bezos Patent On ’60s-Era Chargebacks

June 26th, 2010 06:08 admin Leave a comment Go to comments

theodp writes “Chargebacks on computing resources are certainly nothing new, dating to the ’60s. But five decades later, the USPTO has deemed Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ invention — Dynamic Pricing of Web Services Utilization — worthy of a new patent. From the patent: ‘Utilization of a storage resource may be measured in terms of a quantity of data stored (e.g., bytes, megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), etc.) per unit of time (e.g., second, day, month, etc.). Similarly, communication bandwidth utilization may be measured in terms of a quantity of data transmitted per unit of time (e.g., megabits per second). Processing resource utilization may be measured as an aggregate number of units of processing effort (e.g., central processing unit (CPU) cycles, transactions, etc.) utilized, or as a rate of processing effort utilization per unit of time (e.g., CPU cycles or transactions per second).’ Sound familiar, Greyglers? Another example of why it’s not wise to grant software patents when people don’t know much about computer history.

Source: USPTO Grants Bezos Patent On ’60s-Era Chargebacks

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