(+ = done, * = not yet done)
Things to do immediately:
* texture support
* door/plat/etc support
Things that need to be worked on:
* Fix CSG Code - Still Producing some bad world brushes
Things to do as a whole:
+ doom level structs
+ wad class
+ polygon clipping code
+ Ssector clipping from node division lines/segs
+ 2d CSG subtract ssector polys from world poly
+ Output brushes to map file
* Combine brushes to reduce count
+ Convert things / config file format
+ Parse thing convert file
* Assign textures - sector # for ssectors, sidedef # for world brushes (lower/upper for ssectors)
* Handle doors/plats/etc
* Handle water/lava
* Handle skies
* Convert pillars, other misc entities to brushes or misc models
* Handle lighting (textures, entities, points?)
+ Texture converter
* Have texture converter output shaders
* Level scaling / shifting (is it needed?)
* Texture replacing / config file format
* Sky textures
* Handmade shaders for doom textures (for best results)